In Search of a Pedagogy of Abundance: Preparing Students for an Uncertain Future #ShrugCon

This online conference July 16th-17th, 2024 (with a hybrid after-party July 18th – 19th, 2024) is about how we learn and teach in the world of uncertainty. It will be a series of facilitated, community-led, discussions about uncertainty

Interested in following along, but not ready to commit? Subscribe to the newsletter.

All times are Eastern Time in North America. Registration for individual sessions will be available by Friday June 28th.

July 16th, 2024

9:30 am Maybe an introduction?

10:00 am “Wicked Problems & Wicked problems from an Indigenous perspective”
Alexandra Mihai and Russell Nahdee

11:00 am “Uncertainty in curriculum design”
Audrey Fried and Mo Jafar

1:00 pm “Scholarship and scholars”
Anne-Marie Scott and unconfirmed

2:00 pm Lena Patterson and Vistasps Karbhari

6:00 pm “Entanglement and dissonance”
Tim Fawns and unconfirmed

July 17th, 2024

9:30 am Maybe a recap?

10:00 am “Campus partnerships for facing uncertainty”
Unconfirmed & Joe Murphy and Robin Hart Ruthenbeck

noon “Care, Compassion and Uncertainty”
Lydia Watson and Maha Bali

1:00 pm “Uncertainty in diversity and difference”
Unconfirmed & Stephanie Johnston

2:00 pm “Uncertainty in preparing students for the workforce” Noah Arney and Natalia Bussard

3:00 pm “Gen-X technologists yell at Cloud.”
Apostolos (AK) Koutropoulos and Lee Skallerup Bessette

There are three ways you can participate!

Join the online conference. You can pitch to do a 5-10 minute think piece or just join a session. Sign up here. All sessions will be followed by a facilitated discussion on the topic.

Apply to join the hybrid after party.

We are looking for a small, dedicated group of folks, who are going to look through the discussions we’ve been having and help put together some kind of writing piece. Let us know why you’d like to join us(in person or virtually) at the University of Windsor on the 18th and 19th of July.

Contribute to the annotated bibliography

Part of the goal of this conference is to bring together some of the literature/ideas on uncertainty and abundance in education into one space. Submit an article/piece that you like with a annotation describing it.

Why is the hashtag #ShrugCon?

Committing to uncertainty in education is about getting comfortable with not having the right answer, about not necessarily knowing what to do next. We don’t mean the shrug dismissively, but inclusively. As an invitation to be uncertain with us.

Conference thoughts

As we get people approved and ready with their thoughts on the conference, we’ll get them posted here

Dave Cormier

Learning Specialist, University of Windsor
Dave will be doing a conference intro two weeks before the conference and will be the primary facilitator for conversations.

Josephine Sciortino

Editorial Director, Canadian Science Publishing.
Uncertainty in Academic Publishing

Noah Arney

 Policy Specialist with Thompson Rivers University

Uncertainty in Experiential and Work-Integrated Learning

Russell Nahdee

 Indigenous Learning Specialist, University of Windsor

Wicked Problems Through an Indigenous Lens

Mo Jafar

Senior Lecturer in Sport, PE and Development @ UEL

Wayfinding in Physical Education

Audrey Fried (she/her)

Director, Faculty & Curriculum Development
Osgoode Professional Development

Restructuring Well-Structured Problems

Anne-Marie Scott

Independent Education Consultant

Claiming agency in complexity and uncertainty


Interesting things